
Registering for the AIMSC is easy.  Each car or boat will need to be indiviually registered.  A completed media release form for each student must be uploaded. A copy of the media release form can be found here. Registrations for AIMSC must be completed by Friday, 15 November, 2024 in order to allow time to organise the event. Please make sure that the spelling is correct on all of the fields. Registation is free.

Division of the competition your team is entering
Name of your team
School/Organisation Details
Leave blank if not applicable.
Team Supervisor Contact Details
Please provide details for the supervisor who will attend the event. An additional contact may be added below.
Team Member Names
Please ensure all students names are correctly spelt as certificates will be generated as per this form. Team members not attending the event should be included for them to receive certificates. Please indicate whether a student is a first time competitor in Model Solar Competitions in 2019 for each student.
Student 1
Is this year the first year this student has competed in Model Solar Competitions?
Media release forms signed by the parent/guardian of the students must be provided for all students. You may upload the forms as a combined file for Student 1 or individual files for each student.
Is this student attending the event?
Student 2
Is this year the first year this student has competed in Model Solar Competitions?
Student 3
Is this year the first year this student has competed in Model Solar Competitions?
Student 4
Is this year the first year this student has competed in Model Solar Competitions?
Event Attendance
Please indicate the number of people attending the AIMSC event in this team and to supervise them.
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Enter the characters shown in the image.